About Me and Glass~Glass~Glass
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David M. Issitt

If you have been to my other website you will already know who I am, but if not let me give you some indication as to whom I am.....

Some years ago now I got totally disenchanted by the industry I was working in, and also around this time I had started to collect coloured glass. Mainly it was from the Victorian era and as I started to research pieces, a very good friend of mine suggested I should put my knowledge to the benefit of others by writing about glass and glass related matters.

I had at this time already started to do Fairs selling off duplicate items from my collection and hence I decided to try my hand at writing. I soon found it was much easier to write about glass and glass related matters than to sit all day at a fair twiddling my thumbs!

The first article I had published was in the Glass Collectors' Digest which was followed by one being published in Antique Week. Both of these publications are American and at the time I was living Stateside.

After some time I returned to the UK and continued to research and write about my hobby which had become a passion.......Glass~Glass~Glass.............

Since those early days my articles have appeared in Antique Magazine ~ The West Coast Peddler ~ The Collector ~ Old Stuff Magazine ~ and many various websites such as 1st.Glass run by Tony Hayter.



Glass continues to fascinate

Glass continues to hold a great fascination to me and some of the work currently being produced by British Art~Glass designers and makers is "Top-Notch". Some of the artists already featured include; Phil Vickery ~ Gill Hobson ~ Anthony Scala ~ Peter Layton ~ Will Shakespear. Future issues will include up and coming artists Jessica Townsend and Jake Mee.

In my monthly newsletter I shall be bringing to the fore certain British artists with details about themselves and illustrations of their creative work.

If you would like to be placed on my mailing list for The Glasswriter Newsletter please e-Mail me.

Is there an artitst you would like to know more about, someone who's work has caught your attention? Well why not let me know and I will provide as much information on them that is possible.


Continue to enjoy the "WORLD of GLASS "  ~   David


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My other Website
